informations Machu Picchu - Sam travel

Peru Information, Land of the Incas

Interesting Peru Information about the Incredible Incas

The ancient Incas accomplished so much during their time. Here are a few interesting facts about these people and the amazing structures they left behind:

An Unfinished Story — The Incas never got to finish Machu Picchu.. While the construction of the sacred citadel started at the height of the Incan empire, the Spanish conquistadors and the diseases they carried unfortunately killed a majority of the local people by the end of the 16th century.

The Immovable — The Incas constructed buildings without mortar using a dry masonry method. The stones fit so perfectly that to this day you cannot slide a razor blade between them. This made the structures extremely resistant to earthquakes.

An Effective Postal System — The ancient people had relay messengers called chasquis who traveled across rope bridges over deep mountain gorges and ran up and down steep mountain paths to quickly deliver communications to teams.

The Many Peru Treks You Can Do in Peru

Trekking in Peru provides you with an opportunity to see and experience the culture and history of the ancient Incas. This country has an astounding array of trails winding through imposing peaks, stunning lakes, lost cities and Incan ruins. If Machu Picchu is on your travel or bucket list, you can combine your trip to the mountaintop citadel with these treks:

Lares Trek

This trek goes through the most beautiful, high Andean valleys, past glaciers and remote mountain villages. You will really feel like you are out trekking in the wilds of the Andean Mountains!

While this trek can be physically demanding, it pays off with fewer tourists, hidden lagoons and a memorable mountain trail. If you’re going for the rewarding and beautiful hike, take the time to acclimatize to the altitude.

Choquequirao Trek

This trek is ideal for hardcore trekkers or adventurers. While it takes several days to complete this journey, the rewards and experience are worth it. You’ll surely appreciate the magnificent citadel of Choquequirao, the impressive variety of vegetation around its construction, and amazing wildlife.

If you’re going to pursue this trek, you’ll need to be in good physical and mental condition. Make sure to stay hydrated on your journey.

Ausangate and Rainbow Mountain Trek

You’ll find this beautiful multi-day hike in a section of the Vilcanota Mountain range. Throughout your journey, you’ll pass through colorful striped mountains, glacial peaks, turquoise lakes and relaxing hot springs. If you’re the type of traveler who loves to snap scenic photos for your Instagram, then you’ll surely enjoy embarking on this wonderful Peru trek.

If you plan to take this route, prepare for the altitude. The highest pass is approximately 17,060 feet above sea level. Be sure to begin training well in advance of your hike and eat properly.

Salkantay Trek

This trail provides you with views of jaw-dropping natural attractions and opportunities for adventure. It’s great for travelers who want to connect with nature (and perhaps reconnect with themselves in the process) as they traverse through the untouched and magical mountain passes and landscapes.

Inca Trail

This is the most famous Peru trek in South America. It’s shorter than other trails at only 25 miles — perfect for travelers who want to spend less time hiking. When you hike this popular path, you’ll see a landscape dotted with centuries-old ruins, steep mountain passes and a lush cloud forest alive with birds.

While you don’t have to be a vastly experienced hiker to enjoy this trail, it’s a good idea to acquire a decent level of fitness first to make this incredible journey more enjoyable.

If you have any inquiries about our Machu Picchu tours, browse our website or give us a call at +1 (347) 480-1609.

The Peru Information was privided by SAM Travel team!


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